Saint Gabriel

Poor Sisters of Saint Joseph

Saint Gabriel Preschool/Day Care Center has been serving the community since 1970 under the supervision of The Poor Sisters of Saint Joseph. Our main goal is to share with everyone the love of God. We labor and pray for the children to encounter Jesus Christ in everything they do each day.
Our Sisters and staff are here to accompany the children as they develop physically, emotionally, cognitively, socially, and most importantly, spiritually.
Thank you for the opportunity you give us to accompany you and your family in this amazing journey of life.

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Venerable Camila de San Jose Rolon
Founder of the Poor Sisters of Saint Joseph
Mother Camila was called by God to help others in need. She was born in Argentina in 1842 and in 1880 became founder of the Poor Sisters of Saint Joseph.
Today the Sisters continue the mission Mother Camila was called to start; proclaiming the Good News that our Lord is Risen! The children are helped on their journey to encounter Christ; to discover the love God, our Father, has for each one of them.